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Contact Information

Please contact Claire on
083 440 2255,

or E- mail Me at

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About Us

Claire Anderson (Mail Me) (RCST) Claire has a Diploma in CranioSacral Therapy through the South African Institute of Cranial Studies, and is currently undertaking Post Graduate courses. She is a full member of the Cranial-Sacral Therapy Association of South Africa. She has worked within the corporate environment for the past twelve years, of which the last seven has been in a managerial capacity within the IT/Office Automation industry. She is a qualified bookkeeper and as a result most of her corporate career has centred on accounts and customer service. Being a dedicated mother, Claire has balanced her career with the needs, requirements and responsibilities of raising three children while maintaining a nurturing household. Claire has always had a keen interest in holistic healing, the benefits and relief it is able to bring to other people. She now finds herself in a position to convey these benefits to others. As a result of her ability to help others she is consistently striving to advance her knowledge in this area.